Quoting spamassassin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: > How is everyone using SA? Do you auto delete spam after some high score? I > would like to find the safest score to delete spam, and keep the other mail > with smaller score.
Personalised the score needed for the users, then let all spam through but with modified body.. Stops the bad HTML exploit mails we are seeing all the time. The only mails I pipe directly to /dev/null are the ones containing illegal attachements. For me illegal attachements are .exe|.com|.pif|.bat.|.cmd|.vbs etc. No matter what people say about loosing "false positives", I have never ever experienced a real mail containing a real executable anyone at work really wanted. They were 99.9% viri and worms, .1% other crap like slideshows etc that could easily have been infected too. The users then sort the SPAM to their own SPAM folders and skim through for eventual mis-tags.. Our email adresses are very very visible on the website, and we need to keep it that way for good and clear communication with users (many of whom do not understand more than clicking the email link and entering the mail..) Works a charm :) (Had 160 SPAM tagged emails this weekend, 2 false positives, 10 spams got through, 2 of them to my work adress..) -- Denis Braekhus - ABC Startsiden AS http://www.startsiden.no ------------------------------------------------------- This sf.net email is sponsored by:ThinkGeek Welcome to geek heaven. http://thinkgeek.com/sf _______________________________________________ Spamassassin-talk mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED] https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/spamassassin-talk