I use a 'suspicious' score of 5-10, and an auto deletion
score of 10.  Perhaps 10 is overly-cautious because my
highest scoring 'false suspicious' email has been 8.9 (an
MLM newsletter).  Many people here would consider 10 to be
too low, I'm sure.

I have my clients opt in for spamassassin on their accounts,
and have them sign a waiver putting the responsibility on
them to manage their personal whitelist / blacklist.  Most
are happy to lose .015 good letters (at threshold 10) in
exchange for the de-spamming of their inboxes.

----- Original Message -----
From: "spamassassin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, October 14, 2002 8:50 AM
Subject: [SAtalk] SCORES

> How is everyone using SA? Do you auto delete spam after
some high score? I
> would like to find the safest score to delete spam, and
keep the other mail
> with smaller score.
> Thanks
> --http://www.fastmail.gr
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