Is it just me, or did you forget to include the message that tricked SA?

I seem to have gotten a set of full headers, but no message.

My suggestion, put the email back together again and run it through 
command-line spamassassin -tD and see what it says. Often errors in 
configuration aren't mentioned until you run spamassassin this way, or with 
--lint. -tD also provides a lot of other clues about the decisions SA is 

At 08:49 AM 10/11/2002 -0700, John McCoy, Jr. wrote:
>Not sure how but this message ended up with a required score of zero!
>X-Spam-Status: No, hits=0 required=0
>I was mistakenly still running 2.50-CVS (2.42 proper now, just fixed)
>All messages received right before and after have the required=5
>I forwarded to my test system that is running 2.42 and got the same
>results, very weird.
>Full header follows the rest of the email available if you need it.
>Return-Path: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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