> I've already upgrades from SA 2.31 to 2.40. I'm now going to 2.42 and
> figured I'd ask a simple question. What is the easiest method of upgrading?

I like to be able to specify where stuff goes, so use the .tar

For historic reasons I put SA in /usr/localbin (yes, just the 2 slashes)
and my sources are in /packages/localsrc.

I use Spamassassin from amavisd-new and add in to amavisd :-

use lib '/usr/localbin/lib';

So :-

% perl Makefile.PL
% make

% spamassassin -t < sample-nonspam.txt | more
% spamassassin -t < sample-spam.txt | more

% chmod -R a+r lib/ rules/

# seems to work as expected, so as root on mailhost :-

# cd /usr/localbin
# mkdir lib.2.42 rules.2.42
# cp -r /packages/localsrc/mail/Mail-SpamAssassin-2.42/lib/Mail lib.2.42
# cp /packages/localsrc/mail/Mail-SpamAssassin-2.42/rules/* rules.2.42
# cd lib.2.42
# ln -s ../path/to/Razor .

# cd ..
# rm lib rules
# ln -s rules.2.42 rules
# ln -s lib.2.42 lib

#  kill -HUP `cat /tmp/amavis/amavisd.pid`

This is then easy to roll back to an earlier version :-

# rm lib rules
# ln -s rules.2.41 rules
# ln -s lib.2.41 lib

# kill -HUP `cat /tmp/amavis/amavisd.pid`


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