On Monday 07 October 2002 08:04, Chris Santerre wrote:
> I've already upgrades from SA 2.31 to 2.40. I'm now going to 2.42 and
> figured I'd ask a simple question. What is the easiest method of upgrading?
> CPAN or straight .tar? I can't remember if CPAN will keep my config files
> intact. I saw no upgrade info on the FAQ. Is this worth adding to it?
> I'll prbly continue with the .tar as I feel more in control. Just wondering
> what others do.
> Chris
CPAN is automagical (which means it is easy).  As far as the tarball goes, if 
you follow the instructions and remember when to su, it doesn't require a 
degree in rocket science.  I usually do the tarball because it takes a bit 
longer for the new version to get up to CPAN.
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