On Tue, 2002-10-08 at 14:03, Dallas Engelken wrote:
> > On 08 Oct 2002 13:01:34 -0500, you wrote:
> > >Would anyone be interested in a script that pipes spamd data 
> > into mrtg
> > >to be graphed?
> > Yes.  I already graph inbound and outbound mail to MRTG.  A 
> > spam one would be
> > nice, too.
> > 
> i do this already via qmail-scanner-queue.pl
> in the spamassassin function, 
> if $sa_status=1
> read current count
> increase count by 1
> write new count to file.

I have the MRTG stuff installed, and it will be cool to see it in graph

I have created a small perl script to increment a numeric log file each
time it's called.  Instead of qmail I'm using exim.  In my routers
section (it's an email gateway, so I scan outgoing-bound email) I think
I would need to include a condition to check for the X-Spam-Flag header,
and if found, run the script.  When calling the script, does my email
get butchered?


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