Hi List,
i had the same prob with "False" and "True". However i think i got it
resolved ("False" is 0 and "true" is any non-zero value) - 
here's my pyzor-installation log (which i have yet to convert
into html and put somewhere), see if your can find the relevant parts.
(I have it up and running for about a month and i'm quite happy with it.
The pyzor mailing list is rather low traffic - 11 mails since Sept. 17th



Get info about Pyzor at:
 websites:      http://pyzor.sourceforge.net/
 mailing list:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

1) install python-gdbm (rpm from your linux distro)
2) get and unzip pyzor (i got 0.31 so the following may not apply to 
   newer versions)
3) i had to do some manual modifications so that i didn't get errors:
    replace "False" with "0" in:
        /lib/pyzor/__init__.py, lines 108f.
        /lib/pyzor/client.py, lines 266, 277, 295, 306, 378, 382, 408, 
            439, 445, 459, 460, 530
    replace "True" with "-1" in: 
        /lib/pyzor/client.py, lines 249, 270, 272, 299, 301, 337, 411, 
            426, 470, 474
4) in the unzipped main dir, python setup.py build
5) there were errors on my system when i used 'python setup.py install', 
   so i did manually:
        "which python2" and "which python" to find out that i had to 
            change the first line of pyzor and pyzord to
            "#!/usr/bin/python" (without the quotes)
        copy /build/scripts-2.2/pyzor and pyzord to /usr/bin (chmod 555)
        copy /build/lib/pyzor to /usr/lib/python2.2/site-packages/pyzor
            (chmod 644)
        copy /doc/*.html to /usr/share/doc/pyzor (chmod 644)
6) when i did a 'pyzor help', i got the following:
        downloading servers from 
        usage: /usr/bin/pyzor [-d] [--homedir dir] 
check|report|discover|ping|genkey|shutdown [cmd_options]
        Data is read on standard input.
    and after that, a file called "servers" was in the new directory 
    ~/.pyzor, so that was setup ;-)
7) Procmail integration: Add this to the top of your procmailrc:
    :0 Wc
      | pyzor check
    # or "| readyexec /tmp/pyzor check" if you use readyexec (see below)
    :0 Waf
      | formail -A "X-Pyzor-Warning: SPAM"
   and this to the bottom:
      * ^X-Pyzor-Warning: SPAM
8) Mutt integration: 
    display the pyzor header:
        unignore X-Pyzor
    define colors:
        color header red   black "^X-Pyzor.*"
        color header green black "^X-Pyzor: Reported 0 times."
9) read usage.html (no need to get an account if you only want to

10) install ReadyExec (http://readyexec.sourceforge.net/)
    so that you don't have to start a new instance of pyzor for every
    single piece of mail mail checked.
    a) get and unzip readyexec, cd into it
    b) do a "which python2" or a "which python" and change the 
       first line of readyexecd to "#!/usr/bin/python" (without the 
       quotes) to reflect the location
    c) change "False" into 0 in readyexecd, line 10
    d) change "True" into -1 in readyexec.py, lines 162-164
    e) change "PYTHON=python2" into "PYTHON=python" in Makefile, line 4
    f) make
    g) su; make install
    h) finally, i copy some doc stuff from the website to 
    i) add a line to, say, your .profile:
        readyexecd.py /tmp/pyzor pyzor.client.run
    j) and to (/etc/init.d/halt.local or better) ~/.bash_logout (or
       ~/.logout in csh or tcsh):
         readyexec /tmp/pyzor stop
         rm /tmp/pyzor
    k) make your procmailrc read
         | readyexec /tmp/pyzor check
       and not 
         | pyzor check
       (see above)


* Robin Lynn Frank <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [021006 10:41]:
> Content-Type: text/plain;
>   charset="us-ascii"
> Organization: Paradigm-Omega, LLC
> X-Mailer: KMail [version 1.3.1]
> From: Robin Lynn Frank <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Reply-To: Robin Lynn Frank <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: [SAtalk] OT: pyzor
> Date: Sat, 5 Oct 2002 08:57:25 -0700
> X-MailScanner: Found to be clean
> X-AntiVirus: OK! AntiVir MailGate Version 2.0.1; AVE:; VDF:
>        at localhost has not found any known virus in this email.
> I was going to try pyzor with SA, but the install bombs.  Anyone know what I 
> did wrong?  (Or do I have to subscribe to yet another list?)
> # python setup.py build
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "setup.py", line 5, in ?
>     import pyzor
>   File "lib/pyzor/__init__.py", line 100, in ?
>     class Output(Singleton):
>   File "lib/pyzor/__init__.py", line 101, in Output
>     do_debug = False
> NameError: name 'False' is not defined
> -- 
> +-----------------------+----------------------------------+--------------+
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