On Sat, 5 Oct 2002, Robin Lynn Frank uttered the following:
> I was going to try pyzor with SA, but the install bombs.  Anyone know what I 
> did wrong?  (Or do I have to subscribe to yet another list?)
> # python setup.py build
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "setup.py", line 5, in ?
>     import pyzor
>   File "lib/pyzor/__init__.py", line 100, in ?
>     class Output(Singleton):
>   File "lib/pyzor/__init__.py", line 101, in Output
>     do_debug = False
> NameError: name 'False' is not defined

Your Python installation is broken. False has been a boolean constant in
Python for a long time.

Note the line at the top of pyzor/INSTALL:

: Pyzor requires at least Python 2.2.1

`/usr/bin/python' on e.g. RedHat < 8 systems is Python-1.5, which won't
work with Pyzor.

`It's hard to properly dramatize, say, the domestic effects of Dad's
 bank overdraft when a giant writhing kraken is levelling the city.'
          --- Shiner & Sterling, _Turkey City Lexicon_

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