I don't have time to point you to the url, I searched metacrawler for mySQL
replication and in one of the references it stated that you could not cross
platform replicate as the *.myd and *.myi files were not binary compatible
and that you had to use an sqldump command  scenario to transport the data
between such dis-similar servers. Sorry if the acronyms and command
references are not accurate as I am justifying from memory. I am totally
ignorant of mySQL and just parroted what I had read regarding the subject.
Give the heterogeneous mix of hardware and unices it would have to be very
flexible in its data transport, but I certainly don't want to discourage
anyone from using as a solution for this. The replication has some elegant
features to accommodate periodic syncs as from a dial-up or an cron command.

-----Original Message-----
From: Jeremy Zawodny [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Tuesday, October 01, 2002 2:40 PM
To: Robert Strickler
Subject: Re: [SAtalk] URL blacklist

On Tue, Oct 01, 2002 at 10:56:31AM -0500, Robert Strickler wrote:
> Original proposal posted December 2001, heh. "Nothing new under the 
> sun".
> To answer my own question, mySQL _does_ do replication the bad news is 
> that the files are not OS/archetecture agnostic, you cannot replicate 
> between a Sun unix and RH Linux, so it does not appear to be a viable 
> distribution method.

That's not true.

Jeremy D. Zawodny     |  Perl, Web, MySQL, Linux Magazine, Yahoo!
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  |  http://jeremy.zawodny.com/

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