Daniel Rogers wrote:
> On Thu, Oct 03, 2002 at 02:25:59PM -0400, Kerry Nice wrote:
>> So, you haven't heard about drive-by spamming?  You find an open wireless
>> lan connection and sit in somebody's front drive and spam away for a
>> while.
> No, but I can't hardly say as I'm surprised.

It's still largely theoretical -- No real proof that it's ever happened.
See Danny O'Brien's scribblings at
http://www.oblomovka.com/entries/2002/09/05#1031251800 (scroll up to see his
later posts on the topic)

> Why do I have a feeling that not even making spam (and spamming)
> completely illegal would stop it at this point?

Hasn't worked too well for pot, has it?


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 Please eliminate three.  I am not a crackpot!"

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