On Sun, 29 Sep 2002 14:07:32 -0400, Theo Van Dinter wrote:

>On Sun, Sep 29, 2002 at 10:42:05AM +0200, Ralf G. R. Bergs wrote:
>> could you please try to verify whether the following potential bug in SA =
>> cvs is still present in current versions?
>Is there a bug filed about this?  Did you attach the message to the bug?

No, I fear I didn't file a bug because I'm not even sure it's a bug on SA's 
side. I was hoping that someone could comment on whether this appears to be a SA 
bug or a bug on the sender's side...

   L I N U X       .~.
  The  Choice      /V\
   of a  GNU      /( )\
  Generation      ^^-^^

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