On Thu, 26 Sep 2002, Rose, Bobby wrote:

> Does anyone think it's possible to petition Osirusoft to remove SPEWS
> from their mirroring?  Or would it just be a waste of time?  I would
> think that anyone who would want to use SPEWS still could but separately
> from the larger osirusoft listings.

That's a really good question.  I talked a lot with Joe Jared, at
Osirusoft, when we got hit with some collateral damage.  At the time, he
wasn't all that receptive to the idea of taking SPEWS out of the list, but
I don't know how he'd react to a broader petition from lots of
Spamassassin users.

As a start, I wonder if there's any general consensus, one way or the
other, on this list.

Miles Fidelman

The Center for Civic Networking             PO Box 600618
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Director, Municipal Telecommunications
Strategies Program                          617-558-3698 fax: 617-630-8946
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                      http://civic.net/ccn.html

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