On Tue, Jul 09, 2002 at 10:44:07AM +0100, Paul Reilly wrote:
> These are probably FAQs, but I couldn't find the answers easily:
> Q: How do I create my own Spam Rule in Spam Assasin?

Just add a file inside the "rules" directory with a number (28_body.cf)
and put the rules inside.

If you are using a system wide installation, but spamassassin from
procmail, copy the rules to a directory (~/.rules) and call spamassassin
with -C /home/user/.rules, where you have added your own rules.

> Q: Whats the best way to update the rules? (I'm using SA 2.11)
>    Should I take the latest rules from CVS or the 2.31 package?

That will most likelly produce errors.

Maybe is better to download the cvs to ~/bin/spamassassin and use the
latest CVS to filter.



Jesus Climent | Unix System Admin | Helsinki, Finland.
http://www.HispaLinux.es/~data/  |  data.pandacrew.org
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