Quick question, I haven't seen any answer to this on the list or
in the docs....

I have set mime_defang (actually, set by default, I believe) in
the local.cf to disarm viruii, but this buggers up any HTML-based
email, even legitimate stuff. So I started to add the sites (like
Amazon, Travelocity, Expedia, etc.) to the whitelist, thinking
that this would leave those messages alone, but it doesn't seem
to be doing the trick. The messages are not being tagged as Spam
(in fact, the score is on my example is -92, so the whitelist
*is* being checked), but they are still being munged to the point
where all the user sees is HTML gobbledygook aand not the pretty
HTML mail they were sent.

Sample entry for one of these HTML-mail senders in the local.cf:

 whitelist_from  *@travelocity.com
 whitelist_from  *@*.travelocity.com

And header info from the buggered message:

 Received: from mail.travelocity.com (mail.travelocity.com

Any hints on how to fix this or change the timing of when/if
mime_defang is applied? Or is this an all-or-nothing situation?


Kevin Freels, Systems Administrator          415/553.8000 (v)
Wild Brain, Inc.                             415/850.3273 (c)
2650 18th Street, San Francisco, CA 94110    415/553.8009 (f)
        "Just repeat to yourself, 'It's just a show, 
               I should really just relax!'"

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