I am using SpamAssassin version 2.31 on my RedHat 7.2 box.

I am attempting to override rule scores for our local configuration.  I have
tried various things without success.

In my /etc/mail/spamassassin directory I have a local.cf file with my rules
changes.  The website says "The, configuration data in the first existing
directory in:
/etc/mail/spamassassin;/etc/spamassassin are used to override any values
which had already been set".
I do not have a
so the local.cf file in /etc/mail/spamassassin should do the trick.  But for
some reason those overrides are not being seen.
After editing local.cf I also did a 'service spamd restart' just to make
Any help would appreciated.

Howard Johnson

Howard Johnson
Network Administrator
@fax and TAC Systems, Inc., Divisions of Emerging Systems, Inc.
4620 Commercial Drive
Huntsville, AL 
Voice (256) 721-1976
FAX   (256) 721-0242

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