Patrice Fournier said:

> I was wondering if there was someplace where we could have a new rule 
> tested automatically against both spam and non-spam corpus to see how 
> effective it is. Is this something everyone must make on their own or 
> there is some email/web interface to such a service someplace?

I like the idea -- but finding time to write a CGI is the issue.
Also there's security implications for the host, as Perl 5 regexps
allow shelling out into arbitrary perl code, so that would have to
be investigated, and sanitising code written... :(

> header   LOCAL_FAKE_IP_RCVD   Received =~ 
> /\[0|(?:\d{1,3}\.){0,3}(?:2(?:5[6-9]|[6-9]\d)|[3-9]\d\d)[.\d]*\]/
> describe LOCAL_FAKE_IP_RCVD   LOCAL: Received via an impossible IP address
> score    LOCAL_FAKE_IP_RCVD   6.0

I was under the impression we already had one of these?


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