> | Here is what I found:
> | 
> | DATE_IN_FUTURE_03_06:  This rule misfired on an email that one of my
> | customers sent.  Her date was set using Pacific Time while 
> being in Eastern
> | time so her clock was set 3 hours ahead to correct the date.  From my
> | experience with novice users and PC clocks this is very common 
> especially
> | since MS Windows always defaults to Pacific time so I imagine 
> that alot of
> | East coast PCs are set like this. I myself have seen several.  
> Perhaps this
> | rule should be left out of the mix.
> Hrm, there's some people on this list in the Pacific region aren't
> there?  Would some of you kindly take a trip up to Redmond with a few
> cluesticks?  Could you also engrave the letters "UTC" on some
> foreheads in hopes that it might leave an impression?  If people can't
> even set a clock ..., nevermind.

I'll be glad to lead the charge!  :-)

> | FAKED_UNDISC_RECIPS:  This rule misfired on a few emails that were
> | legitimately sent BCC.
> Was this an outhouse bug?  ( 'To: <Undisclosed-Recipient:;>'  -- not a
> valid header per RFC (2)822)
> I haven't checked the rule itself, BTW.

Yes.  It was in the form 'To: <Undisclosed-Recipient:;>'.

> This is bugged.  I rescored it to 0 when my parents' (juno) mail
> triggered it.  I don't know what is wrong with that rule, but I
> dropped it from my setup.
> -D

Has this one been submitted to Bugzilla?

Thanks for your help,

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