>>>>> "RL" == Richie Laager <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

RL> incoming mail only, would it be a good idea to blacklist our 
RL> domains? I'm thinking that nobody should be sending messages 
RL> with a from address that is within our domains. I did some 
RL> checking, and only spammy-looking domains would trigger this, 
RL> with one exception: miles.ebay.com. Any thoughts?

Your users never email themsleves or other local users articles from
websites?  Usually they use the from address of the "sender".

Your users never use a service like Evite to invite others at your
site to parties?  They use a from address of the invite originator.

Your users never send mail to other local users via a forwarding
service, such as acm.org or a university alumni association?

Be creative.  I'm sure you'll think of other ways to trip up this type
of block.

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