On Wed, Jul 03, 2002 at 09:18:41PM -0500, Richie Laager wrote:

| We're running SA on a couple of boxes to spam filter mail. 
| MIMEDefang is used as the filtering agent, which bounces 
| messages above 7 points. As these machines are gateways for 
| incoming mail only, would it be a good idea to blacklist our 
| domains? I'm thinking that nobody should be sending messages 
| with a from address that is within our domains. I did some 
| checking, and only spammy-looking domains would trigger this, 
| with one exception: miles.ebay.com. Any thoughts?

I am 'user1' at your domain.  I have a .forward file that directs mail
to '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' (not your domain).  That address has a
.forward that ends up delivering the message to 'user2' at your
domain.  Oops, you just blacklisted my legit mail.

Other similar legit and reasonable scenarios exist.  Suppose I have an
address at your domain, but I forward mail to a different machine
where I read it.  Some user at your domain sends me a message, then I
"bounce" (in mutt terms) the message to a third user at your domain.
In that case the envelope sender (which SA doesn't see) was the
outside address, but the From: was the original sender from your

On the surface it sounds like a good idea, but when you get a bit
deeper it isn't really practical.  Maybe a not-too-high scoring rule
for those messages would be acceptable, but that's for you to decide.



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  --Kim Alm, a.s.r

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