On Wed, Jul 03, 2002 at 02:42:30PM -0400, Pete O'Hara wrote:
> I understand what defang_mime is doing at the surface level -  
>    - change the Content-type: header of suspected spam to
> ``text/plain''. And I have read rfc1521 which describes the different
> content types: text, multipart, application, ... What I am trying to
> find out is what are the consequences of changing Content-type from
> "application" to "text/plain". What effects does this have on the data
> that is being sent as "application"? Does it harm it in someway so as to
> make it useless to the recipient given the attachment is something the
> end user needs to use? 

the attachment will not be an attachment if the content-type is
"text/plain".  it will just be text in the message.

if they then want the attachment, they can run the message through
"spamassassin -d" and the old content-type will be reinstated.

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"NT is far less mature than the Unix family, of which Linux is a
 member. M$ foolishly ignored 30 years of research and accumulated
 wisdom. As a result, they've been repeating all the old mistakes."
                                         - Unknown user on /.

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