OK, I fixed things, but I'm not really sure what was wrong to begin
with, but it was clearly a razor problem.  Short story, I placed IP
addresses from a known-working razor install .razor.lst into place on
the busted razor and everything works now.  Rerun make test and
everything is OK.

On Tue, 2 Jul 2002, Shane Williams wrote:

> I finally grabbed 2.31 (since it looked from the list like it had
> settled down), and I'm having some problems.  From what I can tell
> it's either something wrong with Razor (I'm using v1.20) or the Dns.pm
> in SpamAssassin.  Just to lay down some basics, this is a RH 7.2
> system where I'm making from source.  SA 2.20 works just fine and
> performs DNS based tests correctly.  Razor checks bail out now (the
> last razor-positive mail I had was about a week ago).
> perl Makefile.PL and make go just fine.  When I run make test, I get
> the following errors (other tests pass just fine):
> t/razor.................Problem while trying to load Razor: Bad file
> descriptor at ../lib/Mail/SpamAssassin/Dns.pm line 270.
>         Not found: spam =  Listed in Razor 
> t/razor.................NOK 1Problem while trying to load Razor: Bad
> file descriptor at ../lib/Mail/SpamAssassin/Dns.pm line 270.
> t/razor.................FAILED test 1                                        
>         Failed 1/2 tests, 50.00% okay
> AND, at the bottom of make test I get this error:
> make: *** [test_dynamic] Error 11
> Every failed test seems to relate to razor and I saw on the razor
> mailing list that people were having trouble with servers, and indeed,
> when I run razor-check -d it shows that razor can't find any servers.
> Of course, I also saw on the razor list that everyone should move to
> the latest rev. of v2, but that's not supported except in the CVS
> version of SA.
> What's going on here?  Should I just remake SA and turn off razor
> checking for the time being?  Is anyone else running v1.xx of razor
> successfully right now?

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