I finally grabbed 2.31 (since it looked from the list like it had
settled down), and I'm having some problems.  From what I can tell
it's either something wrong with Razor (I'm using v1.20) or the Dns.pm
in SpamAssassin.  Just to lay down some basics, this is a RH 7.2
system where I'm making from source.  SA 2.20 works just fine and
performs DNS based tests correctly.  Razor checks bail out now (the
last razor-positive mail I had was about a week ago).

perl Makefile.PL and make go just fine.  When I run make test, I get
the following errors (other tests pass just fine):

t/razor.................Problem while trying to load Razor: Bad file
descriptor at ../lib/Mail/SpamAssassin/Dns.pm line 270.
        Not found: spam =  Listed in Razor 
t/razor.................NOK 1Problem while trying to load Razor: Bad
file descriptor at ../lib/Mail/SpamAssassin/Dns.pm line 270.
t/razor.................FAILED test 1                                        
        Failed 1/2 tests, 50.00% okay

AND, at the bottom of make test I get this error:

make: *** [test_dynamic] Error 11

Every failed test seems to relate to razor and I saw on the razor
mailing list that people were having trouble with servers, and indeed,
when I run razor-check -d it shows that razor can't find any servers.
Of course, I also saw on the razor list that everyone should move to
the latest rev. of v2, but that's not supported except in the CVS
version of SA.

What's going on here?  Should I just remake SA and turn off razor
checking for the time being?  Is anyone else running v1.xx of razor
successfully right now?

Public key #7BBC68D9 at            |                 Shane Williams
http://pgp.mit.edu/                |                               
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