Hi Tony,

>  Sorry for the noice, but even something as simple as finding the local
> version of sendmail.mc nearly drow me nuts, so I thought I'd ask if
> anyone's had the displeasure of setting up SA on a RaQ3 so that forwarded
> (as set up with the webUI) e-mails are scanned too.

I have a Spamassassing PKG ready for the RaQ3 and RaQ4 - complete with config 
pages for admin and end-user that tie into the Cobalt GUI. At the moment I'm 
porting that to the Qube3, the XTR and the RaQ550, too.

Except for the Qube3 where I install Sendmail with Milter support I usually 
use /etc/procmailrc to fire up Spamassassin (SPAMd / SPAMc) - although that 
has some issues with forwarders.

The sendmail.mc on the RaQs is located in /usr/lib/sendmail-cf/ and might have 
either the name redhat.mc or cobalt.mc if my memory serves correct. On the 
RaQ3 its slightly different due to the ancient Sendmail-8.9.3.

But beware: The POP-before-SMTP feature of the RaQs has been hacked into the 
sendmail.cf in an odd fashion. They simply pipe the sendmail.cf through a 
PERL-script to hack a few options into it which bring in POP-before-SMTP.

So when you create your sendmail.cf the m4 way, then do the following 
afterwards to revive POP-before-SMTP:

 /usr/local/sbin/poprelayd.sendmailcf <sendmail_new.cf>/etc/sendmail.cf

(all in one line, sendmail_new.cf being your newly created cf file)

>  Right now the setup is your basic sitewide-procmail, spamc and
> spamd-setup; any and all RaQ3-specific clues are more than welcome...

The RaQ3 has not that much raw CPU power to go around. So some performance 
issues will arise which you can to some degree compensate for. 

Use SPAMd and SPAMc for efficiency. Skip checks of messages larger than 
40-60K, run SPAMd with the "-m 5" option, where 5 is the maximum number of 
simulteanous connections that SPAMd will accept. That figure seems to work 
well on the RaQ3 and RaQ4. 

If you still got problems with your sendmail.cf setup or need any more Cobalt 
specific pointers, then feel free to send me an email or ask here on the 


With best regards,

Michael Stauber
Unix/Linux Support Engineer

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