Sorry for the noice, but even something as simple as finding the local version
of nearly drow me nuts, so I thought I'd ask if anyone's had the
displeasure of setting up SA on a RaQ3 so that forwarded (as set up with the
webUI) e-mails are scanned too.

 Right now the setup is your basic sitewide-procmail, spamc and spamd-setup;
any and all RaQ3-specific clues are more than welcome...

# Per scientiam ad libertatem! // Through knowledge towards freedom! #
# Genom kunskap mot frihet! =*= (c) 1999-2002 [EMAIL PROTECTED] =*= #
-- Random epigram: (6/13)
"Shut up, friends! My Internetbrowser heard you saying the word "Fry", and
it found a movie about Phillip J. Fry for us. It also opened my calendar
to friday, and ordered me some french fries."
        -- The professor, Futurama.

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