Hi there.  Thanks for the info.  Have you done modifications or are you using
a standard MailScanner/SpamAssassin setup?  I've set mine to "store" not
instead of "deliver" -- and I plan to go through them manually to check for
misidentifications (at least for now).  However, I don't see WHERE they are
actually stored in their full form.  What I'm getting in the quarantine after
I told them to "store" appears to be more like the partial email bits seen in
mqueue-type directories.  I don't see the original, full, with-headers
messages anywhere.  I was hoping more for an mbox-style file so that I could
use whatever client I want to flip through them looking for non-spam later.

Am I missing something in the "store" options to do this easily?

 - John...

Olivier Nicole wrote:
> There are many ways to handle the spam, but deletion may not be the
> best solution.
> For my users, I choosed to quarantine the spam, and send a summary
> (Date, Subject, From) of such quarantined mail, on a daily basis. Thay
> have a procedure to recover a specific message.
> Olivier

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