On Wed, 26 Jun 2002, Olivier Nicole wrote:

> I wonder how it happened actually. Only way would be that the machine
> with connected to your mail server and started the
> dialog with HELO and your own mailserver name.

I think that would actually give (for sendmail) the "apparently from" line.
The only time you don't get that, is if the DNS actually matches the HELO.
> say that in real life I only accept connection from machine with valid
> DNS and reverse DNS.

- You'd be suprised how many people deliver email via IP addresses whose
  reverse they don't control (dialup, but worse, cable modems into offices
  etc etc(
- Machines with multiple IP addresses. For instance Linux takes the "nearest"
  IP for outgoing connections on the INADDR_ANY bind. It might not be the
  address in your DNS.
- Sometimes the outgoing address used also depends on which IP address was
  added last to the kernel.

I ran for a few hours with the forward has to match reverse address, and
then realised this was just not possible. That's why I don't see the use
of a such a mechanism for SA. However, remote machines claiming to be me
are rare and I can always justify dropping that email, though I'll agree
that such a thing is better done at the MTA level. It's just that I don't
have access to that :)


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