On Tue, Jun 25, 2002 at 06:54:13PM +0200, Dr. Martinus wrote:
> instructions, everything is correct. Now you are talking about using 
> "<" and ">" and "foo" or something like that, well, I don't know how 
> to use these when I use KMail, I don't know what foo means etc. In 

foo is given as an example, as is bar.  They are generic.

'<' and '>' redirect input/output of programs to/from files.  If you
do not understand redirection, you won't understand piping (sends
input/output between programs).

> It must be possible, I know, and I have no idea why it doesn't work. I 
> rarely follow manuals so carefully, but this one got me...

I don't know what to tell you, I've never seen KMail let alone configure
it to use SpamAssassin.  I would assume it uses some form of pipe through
"spamassassin -P", but there are many ways to skin a cat, or perform a
spam assassination in this case.

According to the SA README file, which you've probably already seen:

If you use KMail:

  - http://kmail.kde.org/tools.html mentions:

    The filter setup is the work of five minutes (if that!) if you have a
    working spamassassin set up.

    The filter in question is "<any header><matches regexp> ."

    The action is "<pipe through> spamassassin -P -F 0"

    Then, in the advanced options, uncheck the "If this filter matches,
    stop processing here" box. If you keep this filter at the top, it will
    analyze any incoming mail, decide whether it's spam or not, and flag
    it accordingly.

    [Then add] a second filter behind it, which searches for the added
    spam-flags and diverts them into a specific spam folder. [...]

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