On Tue, Jun 25, 2002 at 09:10:41AM -0700, Kevin Gagel wrote:
> On my system using the "spamassassin -P -D < text2bread" only displays the
> results to stout. It does not alter anything unless I use the redirect to
> another file. I understand that -P is a pipe... but to me a pipe means pipe what

So "spamassassin -P < foo > bar" acts differently than "spamassassin -P
<foo", in so far as the resulting message is concerned?

> your doing to this, it's the "this" that mystifies me! Are you telling me that
> SA with -P switch is taking the message and altering and then handing it back to
> the originating process? This is what I thought was happening originally but
> it's just not happening in practice.

Well, that's exactly what should be happening -- spamassasin takes in
on STDIN, does its work, and puts out on STDOUT.

$ man spamassassin
       -P, --pipe
           Normally SpamAssassin will write the rewritten message to the mail spool by
           default.  The -P parameter will cause it to pipe the output to STDOUT 

As I said, what does the "-P -D" run say (ie: paste in the output).
If the processing is dying somewhere, then you may get a message with
no SA alterations in it.  The output from -D would hopefully give some
indication of this.

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