On Fri, 21 Jun 2002, Bart Schaefer wrote:

> On Fri, 21 Jun 2002, jason varsoke wrote:
> > Yes, Bart, thank you!  I deleted the -c <dir> part of the line and now
> > everything works; but of course I'm not using any rules.
> Obviously you're using *some* rules, or nothing would be happening.
> > $HOME/etc/spamassassin should be a directory?  Is it okay if nothing is in
> > it?
> I can't answer this question as asked; I don't have enough context for it
> to make sense.
> The argument to the -c flag should be a directory, and in that directory
> should be all the *.cf files (e.g., 20_head_tests.cf, 50_scores.cf, etc.)
> that came with spamassassin.  Normally that directory would be something
> like /usr/share/spamassassin, but I don't know where you installed it.
> However, if you compiled with PREFIX set properly, spamassasin should
> already be finding the *.cf files (which it sounds like it has, if it
> has tagged some of your spam).

Okay, this must be what's going on.  I have found the *.cf files in
/usr/share/spamassassin/  These seem to be what's being used.  I was under
the false impression that the rules directory I set up were for personal
rules.  but I found the correct spot for my whitelist in

Hmm, now to figure out how to set up Razor.

Thanks for the help again,


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