A friend of mine recently suggested the idea of using a "mousetrap" email
address for detecting spam.  I've heard of this technique being used for
tracking spam, but it had never occurred to me that I could use it to catch

Basically, the idea is to put an email address on a web page, either
commented out, in an offscreen <div/> or in a text color the same as the
background - the idea is to hide it from legitimate web browsers.  The email
address would theoretically attract spam robots and get added to all kinds
of lists.

Then, any incoming mail to that address could have its headers filtered and
stored (or be auto-added to a razor-like database) as a guaranteed-spam
indicator.  Though this wouldn't be particularly useful to individual users
(unless you're like me and have about 10 different addresses all on various
spammer lists), it would be great help to sysadmins and domain owners who
deal with many different addresses.

If several different people started doing this, we could really get up a
nice list of spammers for filtration.  as long as those bogus email
addresses weren't leaked to real people (then again, maybe auto-blacklisting
could be plugged into SA so that a message would still require a certain
score before it gets blacklisted)....

I would love to write something like this (plugin?) for spamassassin, but
from watching spamcop's email parser, I realize that I know very little
about how to extract relevant information from email headers (since the IP
addresses I see are completely different from the ones that spamcop says are


(sorry I was so active on the list and then stopped suddenly - I recently
moved and am *still* waiting for my new line provider to get me some dsl
hardware; even my isp is pissed at them now.  anyway, I'm stuck using OE on
a PC at work and it's not so good at filtering away my listserv messages)


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