Matt Sergeant wrote:

MS> Unfortunately the answer is no. But it's something that I *absolutely*
MS> need in the next couple of months, so expect it to be worked on within
MS> that timeframe.

It's also something that I absolutely need in the next couple of months.

MS> The reason the answer is no is because most of the work right now is
MS> happening in the eval'd rules. When you update the eval'd rules you also
MS> need to update (and possibly other files too like
MS> What I think we should try and offer is some scheme whereby the eval
MS> rules are in config files. We've discussed this before but nobody has
MS> ever gotten around to it yet. Plus there are also some pretty scary
MS> security issues to consider for some people.

I don't see any reason why shouldn't be considered "part of the
rules" as opposed to "part of the engine".  It could be switched to code in a
config file which is eval'd, but I don't really see the need for that.  There
are of course tricky situations where rule changes will depend on extra
functionality in the "engine" part of the code, but it should be possible to
isolate those, and wait for engine updates before distribution.

Possibly the best way of handling the whole situation though it to just have
very frequent point releases of the whole distribution, with an automated GA run
and automated QA of new rules/tests.  I will be building this in the next couple
of months, and probably will release most if not all of it back to the



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