dman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> The default config file has some examples.  Also look at
> /etc/spamassassin/ (you're using debian, right?).

No, not Debian.  In this case RedHat 7.1

About those examples in
There are none that show multiple entries in my copy.

> | The actual `From: ' line looks like:
> | 
> | From: root (Cron Daemon)
> That's missing the address part.  It should look like eg :
>     From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Cron Daemon)
> Oh, I think I see two bugs!  The first bug is in your (Harry) MTA
> config.  It should be qualifying the unqualified address so that the
> actual header is
>     From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Cron Daemon)
> (though it is recommended to use one of the top-level domains in RFC 2606)

My usage predates RFC 2606, so I can only plead laziness... hehe.

Sendmail is the mta in this case.  I'm not sure what addition would
make it use the fqdn in cron generated mail.

> The other bug is in SA.  IIRC it only properly parses
>     [real-name] <[address]>
> addresses and not
>     [address] ([real name])

Well, the docs, and all say pointblank that file
globbing is used.  In that case, although it probably isn't a good
  whitelist_from *root*
should work.  Or else file globbing isn't really being used and the
docs shouldn't say it is.  

Turns out that it is in fact real file globbing [I think] since just
now testing  `whitelist_from *root*' does have the effect of forcing
the messages that were going to spamtrap to go to default mail spool 
`reader'.  Interestingly though, I didn't expect it would still get
the spam earmarks.

Subject: *****SPAM***** Cron <root@reader> /usr/sbin/netdate
X-Spam-Status: No, hits=-97.9 required=2.0 tests=FROM_MALFORMED,\

So I guess whitelisting doesn't work quite the way I expected it
would.  Somehow I assumed, all the earmarking stuff would get turned

> If I'm right on that, then you can't whitelist an address of that
> format.  I may be wrong, though, and SA might handle that format
> correctly now.

Shouldn't matter if actual file globbing rules apply.

> | Can it be white listed?  Or maybe there is some other way to force a
> | message to be accepted.
> In any event you can use a custom rule like this :

> header  CRON    From =~ /^root \(Cron Daemon\)/
> score   CRON    -100

OK, yeah, that looks like a good way to go.  Maybe extend it to:
header CRON X-Cron-Env =~ /\w/ which is even less likely to be present
in a header if not a real cron message.

But let me ask the dumb question here.  By using -100 we force any
other rules that apply to add up to 102, since my limit is currently
set to 2.  Or else the message is accepted. Is that how it works?

If so, I see a problem there too.  Trying the above rules:

score CRON -100
header CRON X-Cron-Env =~ /\w/

Has the desired effect of allowing the messages thru but they are
still earmarked as spam in subject line.  Not sure I understand what
is happing there.
Spamassassin puts this in the messages (not using any rules to prevent

  Subject: *****SPAM***** Cron <root@reader> /usr/sbin/
  X-Spam-Status: Yes, hits=2.1 required=2.0 tests=FROM_MALFORMED,\
  X-Spam-Flag: YES
  X-Spam-Level: **

And it is sent to the spam trap.

Then using the above mentioned CRON rule and score of -100, the same
message gets sent through to the default spool but contains this:

 Subject: *****SPAM***** Cron <root@reader> /usr/sbin/netdate
 X-Spam-Status: No, hits=-97.9 required=2.0 tests=CRON,FROM_MALFORMED,\

Shouldn't the subject `spam' label be omitted if the score is below
the set value.?


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