On 24-May-2002 at 12:06:08 j.linn wrote:
> This morning I noticed that the time to scan had suddenly increased from
> 0/1 sec to 4/5 sec. After much investigation the "-L" flag was set and the
> normal 0/1 was restored. Clearly some system called by spamd was down
> from about 7am [BST] this morning.
> Is there a list of hosts called when running without the "-L"? or where
> do I start looking. How selective can I be in the external hosts called?
> I know this increase is not much but, if my system overloads, messages are
> lost due to BSTMP timeouts. So any performance issues are being looked at.
I've started using the '-L' recently too, I think our exim MTA does enough
(?) network/DNS checks already. You may want to look at the '-S' option on
spamd as well :-)


John Horne, University of Plymouth, UK           Tel: +44 (0)1752 233914
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