Craig R Hughes wrote:
> Matt Sergeant wrote:
> MS> My MIME parser (posted to the dev list) croaks on invalid MIME. In
> MS> testing about 30,000 emails it only croaks on spams, so far.
> MS>
> MS> I just wish I had time to implement it inside SA (it's a big job as
> MS> currently SA's mail parsing is a bit all over the shop).
> No shit!  I've spent some cycles on moving things to MIME::Tools and it's messy.
> I think the first step I'm going to actually take is to break out the MIME
> chunking to one place.  Then make it so you can plug in your own MIME parser,
> and have the default be to use MIME::Tools -- that way it'll be easier for you
> to switch to using your stuff, and if it works better/faster/whatever than
> MIME::Tools we can just roll it into the ditribution :)

We need to be careful as well, because anyone using an external parser 
(i.e. probably just us right now) might already have any attachments 
decoded before anything reaches SpamAssassin.


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