On Wed, May 15, 2002 at 03:12:17PM -0500, David T-G wrote:
> In a somewhat related vein, I have another question...  I just got the
> Nigerian Fraud scam in a note that came through a mailing list.  I don't
> know if I should submit this to the razor because
> - SA caught it (11.7)
> - it came through a list and I don't want to poison them
> - I don't know how all of this works together yet :-)
> Is the Razor purely a matching tool, not unlike the RBL or DUL, that SA
> uses but which doesn't do any reporting, or does it help crush spammers
> by tracking them down a la spamcop?  When do I need to report something
> and when not?

Razor wants all spam that is VERIFIED BY A HUMAN to be spam.*  So yes,
go ahead and report it.  Razor takes hashes (checksum, sorta) of mail
bodies and uses it to tell other people who also use razor that it's
spam.  At the moment, the bodies must match exactly, but that will

It's not like and RBL in that is completely on a per-message basis and
has nothing to do with the origin of the mail

It is unlike SA in that it identifies spam by having (lots of) humans
look at it and only kill things that match exactly.

It's unlike spamcop in that it does nothing but tell you that this
piece of mail is spam.


* A "troll box" is considered OK for automated reporting, but you should
  make sure you really understand what that is before you do it.
  Descriptions exist in the razor archives and probably on the razor

  Michael Stenner                       Office Phone: 919-660-2513
  Duke University, Dept. of Physics       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Box 90305, Durham N.C. 27708-0305


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