>  18:15:06 up 6 days, 21:40,  3 users,  load average: 15.22, 8.96, 7.77
> The server in question is a dual Pentium III 500 Mhz, 512 Mb Ram,
> /var/qmail/queue is a UW SCSIII and the storage is a Mylex, raid 5.

How much mail do you push?  My little setup does about 3-4k messages/day, if 
I'm reading the logs right.  (I detect about 1k spam/day).  Are you running 
with spamc/spamd?  If not, please try it.  It doesn't reload perl for every 

> I have an exchange with paying for one, from that point of view is
> fine.



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