Hash: SHA1

Attached is a patch that makes the following headers optional:

They all default to on, but there are now configuration 
options to turn them off:

spam_checker_version 0
spam_flag 0
spam_status 0

Also, there is a "no_report" option. When enabled, NO report 
is placed into the message. I have never had a need for the 
body report, as it messes up the message. The header report 
adds way too much information, even with use_terse_report on. 
If I need to see which tests were trigged, X-Spam-Status is 
enough for me.
- -- 
Richie Laager
Wikstrom Telecom Internet
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org

Index: lib/Mail/SpamAssassin/Conf.pm
RCS file: /cvsroot/spamassassin/spamassassin/lib/Mail/SpamAssassin/Conf.pm,v
retrieving revision 1.62
diff -u -r1.62 Conf.pm
--- lib/Mail/SpamAssassin/Conf.pm	2 May 2002 07:24:02 -0000	1.62
+++ lib/Mail/SpamAssassin/Conf.pm	5 May 2002 17:21:30 -0000
@@ -106,9 +106,13 @@
   $self->{auto_whitelist_factor} = 0.5;
   $self->{rewrite_subject} = 1;
+  $self->{spam_checker_version} = 1;
+  $self->{spam_flag} = 1;
   $self->{spam_level_stars} = 1;
+  $self->{spam_status} = 1;
   $self->{subject_tag} = '*****SPAM*****';
   $self->{report_header} = 0;
+  $self->{no_report} = 0;
   $self->{use_terse_report} = 0;
   $self->{defang_mime} = 1;
   $self->{skip_rbl_checks} = 0;
@@ -280,6 +284,29 @@
       $self->{rewrite_subject} = $1+0; next;
+=item spam_checker_version { 0 | 1 }        (default: 1)
+By default, a header field called "X-Spam-Checker-Version" will be added to
+the message, with its value set to a string describing the version of
+SpamAssassin being used.
+   if(/^spam[-_]checker[-_]version\s+(\d+)$/) {
+      $self->{spam_checker_version} = $1+0; next;
+   }
+=item spam_flag { 0 | 1 }        (default: 1)
+By default, a header field called "X-Spam-Flag" will be added to the message,
+with its value set to YES, if the message has been flagged as SPAM.
+   if(/^spam[-_]flag\s+(\d+)$/) {
+      $self->{spam_flag} = $1+0; next;
+   }
 =item spam_level_stars { 0 | 1 }        (default: 1)
 By default, a header field called "X-Spam-Level" will be added to the message,
@@ -296,6 +323,19 @@
       $self->{spam_level_stars} = $1+0; next;
+=item spam_status { 0 | 1 }        (default: 1)
+By default, a header field called "X-Spam-Status" will be added to the message,
+with its value set to a string that tells if a message was flagged as SPAM, the
+number of hits, the number of hits required to be flagged as SPAM (See required_hits),
+and the name(s) of the test(s) hit.
+   if(/^spam[-_]status\s+(\d+)$/) {
+      $self->{spam_status} = $1+0; next;
+   }
 =item subject_tag STRING ... 		(default: *****SPAM*****)
 Text added to the C<Subject:> line of mails that are considered spam,
@@ -306,6 +346,17 @@
     if (/^subject[-_]tag\s+(.+?)\s*$/) {
       $self->{subject_tag} = $1; next;
+    }
+=item no_report { 0 | 1 }	(default: 0)
+By default, SpamAssassin will include a report in the body/header of suspected spam.
+Enabling this causes the report to be ommitted.
+    if (/^no[-_]report\s+(\d+)$/) {
+      $self->{no_report} = $1+0; next;
 =item report_header { 0 | 1 }	(default: 0)
Index: lib/Mail/SpamAssassin/PerMsgStatus.pm
RCS file: /cvsroot/spamassassin/spamassassin/lib/Mail/SpamAssassin/PerMsgStatus.pm,v
retrieving revision 1.103
diff -u -r1.103 PerMsgStatus.pm
--- lib/Mail/SpamAssassin/PerMsgStatus.pm	2 May 2002 01:49:28 -0000	1.103
+++ lib/Mail/SpamAssassin/PerMsgStatus.pm	5 May 2002 17:21:30 -0000
@@ -360,16 +360,25 @@
-  $self->{msg}->put_header ("X-Spam-Status", $_);
-  $self->{msg}->put_header ("X-Spam-Flag", 'YES');
+  if($self->{main}->{conf}->{spam_status} == 1)
+  {
+    $self->{msg}->put_header ("X-Spam-Status", $_);
+  }
+  if($self->{main}->{conf}->{spam_flag} == 1)
+  {
+    $self->{msg}->put_header ("X-Spam-Flag", 'YES');
+  }
   if($self->{main}->{conf}->{spam_level_stars} == 1) 
       $self->{msg}->put_header("X-Spam-Level", "*"x int($self->{hits}));
-  $self->{msg}->put_header ("X-Spam-Checker-Version",
+  if($self->{main}->{conf}->{spam_checker_version} == 1)
+  {
+    $self->{msg}->put_header ("X-Spam-Checker-Version",
   	"SpamAssassin $Mail::SpamAssassin::VERSION ".
+  }
   # defang HTML mail; change it to text-only.
   if ($self->{conf}->{defang_mime}) {
@@ -389,7 +398,7 @@
-  if ($self->{conf}->{report_header}) {
+  if (!$self->{conf}->{no_report} && $self->{conf}->{report_header}) {
     my $report = $self->{report};
     $report =~ s/(?:\n|^)\s*\n//gm;	# Empty lines not allowed in header.
     $report =~ s/\n\s*/\n  /gm;	# Ensure each line begins with whitespace.
@@ -406,8 +415,7 @@
     $self->{msg}->put_header ("X-Spam-Report", $report);
-  } else {
+  } elsif (!$self->{conf}->{no_report}) {
     my $lines = $srcmsg->get_body();
     my $rep = $self->{report};
@@ -461,10 +469,12 @@
-  $self->{msg}->put_header ("X-Spam-Status", $_);
+  if($self->{main}->{conf}->{spam_status} == 1) {
+    $self->{msg}->put_header ("X-Spam-Status", $_);
+  }
   if($self->{main}->{conf}->{spam_level_stars} == 1)
-	  $self->{msg}->put_header("X-Spam-Level", "*"x int($self->{hits}));
+    $self->{msg}->put_header("X-Spam-Level", "*"x int($self->{hits}));

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