I have some old email addresses I no longer use which are getting 
flooded with spam these days.  I want SpamAssassin to automatically 
tag these as spam.

I receive email sent to any address at my domain; my ISP is nice 
enough to add a 'Delivered-To' header to my incoming email to tell 
me what address it was really sent to.  For example, a message in 
my inbox might have these headers:

   Delivered-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


   Delivered-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I want to set up the equivalent of a spamassassin 'blacklist_to' 
option which pays attention to Delivered-To headers, so that I can 
blacklist the addresses I no longer use.  How can I accomplish this?

The spamassassin man page tells how to set up spamtraps, but that's 
not exactly what this is -- I don't want to automatically 
reject/report all email to those old addresses, just in case I 
might ever receive a legit email there.  I just want spamassassin 
to tag it as spam, so my mail client can route it into my spambox, 
so I can later look at the subject lines and delete them.

  ____    |\/|                 Brian Kendig   Set your priorities right.
  \  /\   / ..__.    brian at enchanter net   No one ever said on his
   \/  \__\   _/   http://www.enchanter.net/  death bed, "Gee, if I'd
    \__   __  \_      Be insatiably curious.  only spent more time at
       \____\___\           Ask "why" a lot.  the office."

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