> > I'm sure the goal of the message is to make me write a .bat
> > file (the same message appears in .exe, .pif, ... variants),
> > that I then later execute.
> >
> > So, I wonder, why didn't the message hit any spamassassin rule?
> Because it's a virus, not spam. There are several ways of integrating 
> SpamAssassin with a virus scanner, I suggest you look at some (or write some 
> rules for SA that mark .exe's as spam, but they won't go into the core 
> engine).

Ah, too bad! I thought otherwise, when I saw the SIRCAM_SIGNATURE
etc rules, but I see they have disappeared from spamassassin 2.2 now too:(

> Try freshmeat as a good source of such modules, btw.

I tried it, but in the first 20 results (sorted by popularity),
I only found wrappers that allow me to use non-free libraries/sites
to do the actual scanning.

I wanted something free (GPL or similar), and preferably not written
in Java (as is OpenAntiVirus, the only package mentioned on freshmeat
that does have its on ruleset).

SPAM: email sent by an infected human.
Virus: email sent by the infected combination human/computer.
Worm: email send by an infected computer.

(so why discrimminate between spam/viri/worms?)


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