>>>>> "DP" == Daniel Pittman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

DP> spamproxyd accepts email via SMTP, runs it through SpamAssassin and then
DP> forwards the result via SMTP to another SMTP listener.

I've looked over the code to spamproxyd and there is a gaping hole in
it that will lose your mail if something crashes at the right time.
The loop it uses gets the mail from postfix, acknowledges it, then
processes it and hands it back to postfix.  If something dies between
the first ack and handing it back to postfix, your mail is lost.  The
right fix for this is to get the mail, not ack the end of data ".",
process it, hand it to postfix, and if you get OK from postfix, ack
the original message as processed.  At worst, you'll duplicate your
message, but you won't lose it this way.

Unfortunately, to do this, Net::SMTP::Server::Client needs to be
modified, and the author of that module hasn't decided how to do that
yet...  So it is a bit of surgery for now, and I've not yet found the
time to do it.

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