Gregor Lawatscheck wrote:

> I was thinking this. I'm intending to write something that'll go through a
> Maildir will all the (possible) Spam in it and digest it with "From"
> "Subject" and possibly a link to sqwebmail to be able to look at it. If
> anyone else is quicker in hacking something like this together I'd be
> interested.

There apparently used to be a script or something called "digestify"
that did exactly that. There are a lot of references on deja about it
from a few years ago; it seems to have disappeared, though.  Perhaps
someone has a copy of it laying around.


Why "Yankee Doodle" should be the national anthem:
"Whose broad stripes and bright stars, and dollar's delight,
Akari, age 4, singing the Star Spangled Banner

spam killer code kpwq1jkcsEzdx39gnkVvgycd15ayqq

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