Qmailscanner (http://qmail-scanner.sourceforge.net/) does this.   You
can configure any kind of stripping complete with explanations in the
return...   Qmailscanner works with spamd to spam-check the emails
flowing through the system...
It's currently the only way I know how to run SA in an SMTP Routing
situation (With smtp routing in Qmail, no mail ever touches local
delivery stuff like procmail.)

        -----Original Message----- 
        From: CertaintyTech - Ed Henderson 
        Sent: Wed 4/17/2002 4:50 PM 
        To: Nick Fisher; Christopher Davis;
        Subject: RE: [SAtalk] Porn mail deleting for school

        > By policy we used to strip ALL attachments. That could work
        > the problems
        > above but only if it was done before spamd gets the mail.
        >       Nick
        This where something like MIMEdefang could help you.
        Spamassassin-talk mailing list


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