There's a little more work to be done before it's completely ready.

I now have SPAMD working as well (non-daemonized). Note you must
remove the SYSLOG references (syslog doesn't work on win32 AFAIK),
and change the logmsg to Print "\r\n", Print "$info" (lame screen
workaround). Of course if someone wants to write the Win32::EventLog
handler into that routine, it should be easy. Also, SPAMD would need
a serious workout to see if it works under heavy load, frees memory,

Issues remaining:

- auto-white-list will not work unless someone wants to rewrite the
file locking in
- Razor is unreliable unless someone comes up with an alarm
workaround for the relevant portions of and
- still haven't tried compiling spamc to REALLY test out spamd.
- haven't tried spamdproxy and suspect it wouldn't work well out of
- NMAKE test always fails. Too lazy so far to sort out all of the
reasons. (some are obvious since some modules aren't ported yet,
others seem to be path errors, etc)

The rest looks good, and here's the latest draft of the HOWTO. I will
be posting this on the web shortly.




ActivePerl Build 631 (1/2/02) 
SpamAssassin 2.11
Razor Agents 1.19

These were tested on Win98SE, Win2000, WinNT.


- autowhitelist doesn't function (SEE AUTOWHITELIST DOESNT WORK)
- Most people don't have visual c++ so they can't compile SPAMC, so
spamassassin must be run in "serial mode".
- Razor is unreliable.
- spamd needs a rewrite to use Win32::EventLog. Not critical until
spamc gets running
- spamproxy untested.
- nmake TEST always fails.
- a few installation quirks

These will all be discussed in more detail later

First of all, use WinNT/2K/XP only. Preferably with NTFS volumes.

It IS possible to get it running on Win9x, but Perl acts unreliably 
on such platforms. During install you will find all kinda weirdisms.
The primary one being every time PL2BAT calls, it will fail. You'd 
have to run these all
manually (not a big deal) and hit CTRL-Z everytime the install
with NMAKE. Many more weirdisms make Win9x not the way to go.

PART I: Installing Perl

1. This is very easy. Go to, and select
the ActivePerl
download. Choose the MSI installer version.

NOTE: If you have to use the NON-MSI version, that's fine. Download
it, unzip it
and run INSTALLER.BAT. It mostly works the same.

2. Double click the MSI file and run it. All of the default options
are fine.
Don't worry if the Perl installer seems to take a really long time.
at least 10 minutes before worrying.

3. Open a DOS box and type PERL -V to verify all is well.

4. In subsequent sections, it will be assumed that Perl was installed
in C:\perl. Make appropriate changes if necessary.

PART II: Installing NMAKE

1. We need NMAKE to build Perl modules
2. Obtain from
3. Extract the files, and place them in C:\perl\bin

PART III: Installing the needed Modules, part I.

We do this using the Perl Package Manager, rather than CPAN when
possible, as it downloads the best versions for Win32.

Basic method of operation:

1. open dos box.
2. Type PPM
3. At the PPM> prompt, type install <modulename>
4. To exit PPM, type QUIT, when you are done
For SpamAssassin itself, we need only one module, Net::DNS,
so we'd type install Net::DNS 

If Razor functionality is needed, also install these
modules. Before you do so, it might be worth reading
this whole document and seeing what the current problems
with running Razor on Win32 are:

Net::Ping [See notes on this in RAZOR section]

We will also need to install Mail::Internet. Unfortunately
this is not available via the PPM repository currently.
So we'll use CPAN, which is definitively NOT a Windows-friendly
tool <g>. See RAZOR section below for more.

Part IV: Obtaining Spam Assassin

Go to, choose download, and get
the ZIP file distribution.

Use WinZIP or other ZIP extractor, and extract the ZipFile 
off the root. For SpamAssassin 2.11, for example, this will
create Mail-SpamAssassin-2.11 off C:\

We'll refer to this directory as the SPAMSOURCE directory

PART V: Pre-install

Open a DOS box, go to the SPAMSOURCE directory and type


PART VI: Getting the NMAKE to work, Part I

Here's where we start to see quirks, most of them easy to fix.
We will go through each error message one by one until the NMAKE
(The main reason to do this is to achieve better understanding what
works and what doesn't, so if a new branch of SpamAssassin changes

1. Open a dos box and go to the SPAMSOURCE directory.
2. Type NMAKE
3. It will fail, complaining that TOUCH cannot be found. It may also
complain about

REASON: TOUCH isn't a Windows command. Also genning the HTML docs
the POD file confuses the Windows command interpreter


pm_to_blib: spamassassin doc/.made

Change it to

pm_to_blib: spamassassin

which will skip this section. (See CLEANING UP THE QUIRKS). Save the

4. Try NMAKE again!
5. It will (most likely) fail again, complaining that CL is not

REASON: One component of Spamassassin is spamc, the client piece of a
neato way to really
speed up SpamAssassin. But most of us don't own Visual C++, and so we
don't have a C compiler handy.
Unix people have life easy :)

WORKAROUND: Well, if you really need spamc, you gotta get a C
compiler. Otherwise, 
open MAKEFILE in Notepad again, and find

        $(CFCC) $(CFCCFLAGS) $(CFOPTIMIZE) spamd/spamc.c \
                        -o $@ $(CFLDFLAGS) $(CFLIBS)

Comment these lines out by placing a # character at the BEGINNING of
each line. Please re-read
the last sentence - if # isn't the very first character the line will
NOT be commented out

6. Run NMAKE again. It should complete (the error about
blib\script\spamc is fine, and occurs
because we never compiled spamc)

PART VII: Getting NMAKE to work, Part II

Here we get NMAKE INSTALL to work properly. NMAKE TEST will never
as there are too many whacked modules at this point. Oh well.

1. Open a DOS box and go to SPAMSOURCE directory.
3. You will see a failure right after the mkdir -P command

REASON: 3 issues come up now. The first is that mkdir -P has no
analogue. We'll
use MKDIR instead. Second some of the paths for the rule directories
won't work
as is. Finally, some of the installation routines will not work to
copy configuration files, so we need to work around that too!

WORKAROUND 1: Open MAKEFILE, and change all mkdir -P command to
simply mkdir
(eg     mkdir -p $(DEF_RULES_DIR) to mkdir $(DEF_RULES_DIR)

WORKAROUND 2: Also, find

DEF_RULES_DIR   = $(PREFIX)/share/spamassassin
LOCAL_RULES_DIR = /etc/mail/spamassassin

and change them to

DEF_RULES_DIR   = $(PREFIX)\share\spamassassin
LOCAL_RULES_DIR = \etc\mail\spamassassin

WORKAROUND 3: Finally, change these lines

$(LOCAL_RULES_DIR)/ migrate_cfs
        for file in $(RULES) ; do \
          $(CP) rules/$$file $(DEF_RULES_DIR)/$$file; \

$(DEF_RULES_DIR)/user_prefs.template: rules/user_prefs.template
        $(CP) rules/user_prefs.template $(DEF_RULES_DIR)/user_prefs.template

$(LOCAL_RULES_DIR)/ rules/
        [ -f $(LOCAL_RULES_DIR)/ ] || $(CP) rules/

        [ ! -f /etc/ ] || $(MV) /etc/
        [ ! -f /etc/mail/ ] || $(MV)
/etc/mail/ /etc/mail/spamassassin/


#$(LOCAL_RULES_DIR)/ migrate_cfs
#       for file in $(RULES) ; do \
#         $(CP) rules/$$file $(DEF_RULES_DIR)/$$file; \
#       done

$(DEF_RULES_DIR)/user_prefs.template: rules/user_prefs.template
        $(CP) rules/user_prefs.template $(DEF_RULES_DIR)/user_prefs.template

$(LOCAL_RULES_DIR)/ rules/
        [ -f $(LOCAL_RULES_DIR)/ ] || $(CP) rules/

#       [ ! -f /etc/ ] || $(MV) /etc/
#       [ ! -f /etc/mail/ ] || $(MV)
/etc/mail/ /etc/mail/spamassassin/

(We are basically commenting out sections that would fail to copy
files correctly. Don't worry - it's groovy)

4. Run NMAKE INSTALL - all should be well now.


1. First, manually copy the files in rules directory to
\etc\mail\spamassassin, which should
now exist. This copies the default rules nicely. This is NEEDED for
to work.
2. Next, find \perl\bin\spamasasssin.bat, and add at the beginning
SET RES_NAMESERVERS=ipaddress , where ipaddress is the ipaddress of
your DNS server. If you
have more than one, add additional ones, separating with a space
This is needed for all RBL lookups - the Net::DNS module is not
currently capable of checking
the Windows registry, so we have to "help it"

3a. Open up NotePad, and type this in:

REM Run from the top of the Spam Assassin install directory
mkdir \spamdocs
call pod2html spamassassin. --outfile \spamdocs\spamassassin.html
call pod2html spamd\spamc.pod  --outfile \spamdocs\spamc.html
call pod2html spamd\spamd. --outfile \spamdocs\spamd.html
call pod2html spamproxy\spamproxyd. --outfile
call pod2html lib\mail\spamassassin\ --outfile
call pod2html lib\mail\spamassassin\ --outfile
call pod2html lib\mail\spamassassin\ --outfile
call pod2html lib\mail\spamassassin\smtp\ --outfile
call pod2html lib\mail\ --outfile

3b. Save this file as POD.BAT in the SPAMSOURCE directory.
3c. Open a DOS box, go to SPAMSOURCE and type POD. This will generate
the HTML docs for SpamAssassin, and
place them in \spamdocs. This works around the faulty TOUCH/POD2HTML
script issues we originally

4a. Ok, we will try a test. It will fail, proving life is weird <g>.
directory, type 

PERL -S "spamassassin" -P < sample-spam.txt

I'll bet you you will get a "getpwuid is unimplemented" error.

4b. Fixing this isn't too bad. Go to \perl\site\lib\mail. You'll find It will be
read-only (change this). Open it in Notepad and find

   return (getpwuid($>))[7];

change this to

#  return (getpwuid($>))[7];


Create a temporary directory called TEST off the root. Copy the
sample-spam.txt and sample-nonspam.txt
files from the SPAMSOURCE directory.

Open a DOS box.

1. Type

spamassassin -P -D -t < sample-nonspam.txt > nospam.txt

This should run fine, and when you look at nospam.txt the report
should be hunky dory.

2. Type

spamassassin -P -D -t < sample-spam.txt > spam.txt

This should run fine and the report should label this as spam.
Note the RBL check should register as spam as well.


- You can process any MIME message by typing

spamassassin -P < inputfile > outputfile

- Adding a -e switch will set the ERRORLEVEL to non-zero for spam!
Can you say "batch file"?
- The -D switch adds very helpful debug comments.
- The -t switch is TEST mode. All mail will have a report appended.
It is
good, to see what the report comes up with on non-spam stuff.

- only free RBL lists are on by default. See the SPAMSOURCE README
for more
details on this, and the \spamdocs\conf.html file.

- You can set your own preferences by editing the USER_PREFS file
in .spamassassin. Use the settings documented in \spamdocs\conf.html
(this is how you can manually add/remove whitelist/blacklist
turn off RBL, change the score value of something etc). 
In general, if at all possible use THIS file, instead
of editing the global config files in \etc\mail\spamassassin. That
the next time you update SpamAssassin, you won't have to merge
your changes with the new global config files. Of course, you'll
need to look at the global config files to know what parameters to

Here's some examples (none of them recommended by default - this is
illustration purposes)

# This one says if it's FROM bill, it CAN't be spam!
whitelist_from  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
# This one changes the default of MAPS (off, because you can't use it
for free, to on)
score RCVD_IN_RBL                    1.0
# Mail that is pure HTML is normally given a score of 4.5 (and since
the default
# threshold to mark as spam as 5 this could be a problem. We change
that below
score CTYPE_JUST_HTML                2.0
# And that spam threshold of 5 is too harsh and flags stuff as spam
# too often! Let's make it 7.5!
required_hits 7.5
# Finally, we like Russians. They use BASE64 text all the time,
because of their
# whacky character set, and SpamAssasin marks this as likely spam
# Let's change that
score BASE64_ENC_TEXT                0.00


The Auto-WhiteList is a neat optional piece of SpamAssassin. With the
feature enabled, people who send non-spam are added to the
"whitelist" - meaning they become increasingly less likely to have
their mail falsely flagged as spam.  Each time the address is
referenced, it gets weighted a bit more in one direction or the
It's kinda cool that SpamAssassin can "learn" as it goes along. It's
activated with the -a switch.

Unfortunately, it DOES NOT work on Win32. The STATS/LINK/UNLINK
functions of the NFS-Safe Locking in DBAddrList.PM go down in flames
on Win32 (always tries 30 times to get the lock, finds it stale and
then fails). While one could simply disable that portion of the code,
it would of course only be reliable if only one instance of
SpamAssassin were accessing the database at one time. A most unsafe
assumption, and not one that I'd make.

Anyway, this is probably best addressed by the maintainers in the
main code branch. Some possibilties:

- if Win32, use the classic flock routines, which do work
- Try the LockFile::Simple library, which may work. This might be
worth doing anyway to the maintainers;
it's a more modular elegant version of what they use anyway.

Otherwise you'll have to manually add whitelisted addresses to the
configuration files.
This is a little more tedious unfortunately, and there's no weighted
learning (the
score for the manual whitelist is -100 or so, so chances are
everything will be
accepted from that source). See the usage notes in Part X.


You need a C compiler (and I've read on the web it MUST be VC++ 6) to
spamc.c. I don't have one.

If someone wants to compile/test the spamc module together
with spamd, I'd be willing to host the spamc binaries somewhere.

SpamC would be nice to get working. With it, you load the PERL
libraries only once
instead of EACH time a file is processed. Then SpamC calls Spamd via
TCPIP (so they assumedly don't have to be on the same machine). Much
more efficient for heavy mail processing. Considerably less memory

Spamd itself I've got working, sort of.  I think though it needs
SERIOUS testing though.

1. Go to \perl\bin\spamd. and comment out these lines

use Sys::Syslog qw(:DEFAULT setlogsock); (near beginning of file)
setlogsock('unix'); (middle of code)

2. Change  my $uid = gwpnam('nobody'); to  my $uid = 'nobody';
3. Comment out all the lines inside the logmsg subroutine and replace

print "\r\n";
print "@_";

A much better thing to do would be to send this to Win32::EventLog.

4. (this leads to a minor problem, fixed by commenting out:)

                logmsg "Still running as root: user not specified, ".
                    "not found, or set to root.  Fall back to


Well, this is a bit of a pain, and I doubt it will work reliably. 
Fortunately it is optional

Here  are the considerations

1. To install, begin by installing all of SpamAssassin and all of the
optional modules listed in
Part III.

2. You will also need to install Mail::Internet. Open a DOS box, type

perl -MCPAN -e shell

You will be asked some fairly frightening and confusing questions.
Ignore them, and mindlessly hit RETURN, until you are asked for some
URLS to download stuff from. Choose some random sites. (Do make sure
that NMAKE is recognized as being in \PERL\BIN when you are asked for
your MAKE program though).

Eventually you'll be at the CPAN> prompt again, from which you type
install Mail::Internet, and all is hopefully well. You can then QUIT
from CPAN.

3. Download the RAZOR package from, and ungzip
and untar it (WinZip works
well for this). Place the main package off the root.

4. Build it. Go to the Razor-subdirectory and type these commands in

nmake test
nmake install

It should all go pretty well.

5. Type razor-check at the DOS prompt. If you are unlucky like me,
you'll get an "alarm
function unimplemented in". This isn't such a big deal - we
installed a working
Net::Ping library back in Part III (it's installed at
\perl\site\net\ But the
ActivePerl distribution comes with the BAD version of PING as the
default. Let's fix that.
Go to \perl\lib\Net and rename to 
and all should be well (hopefully this working ping will be
integrated into the core

6. Now we come to a bigger problem. The ALARM function is also used
in SpamAssassin's razor
lookup function. While we can disable it (and will), this might be a
bad idea, as it could
lead to "odd" timeouts and hangs if the razor server isn't up. So do
at your own risk!

The problem ALARM functions are located in
\perl\site\lib\mail\spamassassin\ . There are two of them and
they need to be commented out with a # at the beginning of the line.
If they are not, SpamAssassin will run fine, but ALWAYS time-out on
the RAZOR check. (Which
would defeat the purpose of bothering to install Razor)

The ALARM function is also used in
\perl\site\lib\mail\spamassassin\, when the RAZOR agents
are contacted to report the Spam (optional -R switch). Similar
workaround/problems there.

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