On Sun, Apr 14, 2002 at 07:31:23PM -0500, dman wrote:
> | The question is whether it should be possible to install SA as
> | something other than "standard system software."
> Right.  I like the approach of
>     $ ./configure --prefix=$HOME
>     $ make
>     $ make install
> (for systems on which I don't have admin status; I haven't tried
> installing SA on any of those)
> | > What's wrong with
> | > my $LOCAL_RULES_DIR = '$(PREFIX)/../etc/mail/spamassassin';
> | 
> | Many Perl installations have $Config{prefix} eq '/usr/local'.  The above
> | would put local rules in /usr/etc/mail/spamassassin, which (from the
> | standpoint of someone trying to isolate SA installation into /usr/local)
> | is no better than forcing /etc/.
> | 
> | And for a non-root user installing with "make PREFIX=$HOME", the chances
> | of $HOME/../etc being writable are no better.
> $(PREFIX) should normally be '' (or '/' if paths are properly
> normalized after expansion).  The config goes in
> $(PREFIX)/etc/spamassassin, the standard rules go in
> $(PREFIX)/usr/share/spamassassin, the documentation goes in
> $(PREFIX)/usr/share/doc/spamassassin, the manpages in
> $(PREFIX)/usr/share/man/man[0-9], the executables should be in
> $(PREFIX)/usr/sbin or $(PREFIX)/usr/bin as appropriate, and finally
> the perl modules in belong in $(PREFIX)/usr/share/perl5.  The last one
> could change depending on the perl version being used, but AFAIK only
> perl 5 is supported right now.  There is a pattern here.

Unfortunately, $(PREFIX) by default (i.e. for every other package, too) is
/usr/. This sucks. All paths are currently relying on $(PREFIX) being '/usr/'

This is a problem with perl, not SpamAssassin.

> Now, if I am root and am installing system software, $(PREFIX) is ''
> or '/', and the installation follows the FHS.  If I am joe-user and I
> set $(PREFIX) to $HOME, then it follows the FHS just as if I was root,
> except that $HOME is the root of my filesystem.  Everything, then, is
> nice and consistent and easy to follow.

If you want to install in your home, set PREFIX=$HOME/usr.

> Say, Duncan, are you reading this? <grin>



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