Heh, I can hear the "my-MTA-is-better-than-your-MTA" flame fest coming...:P

For reference, here's what we're using:
Dell Poweredge 1500's
OpenBSD 2.9
Qmail + qmailqueue patch + tls patch
qmail-scanner + sophie/sophos

"Tis working mighty fine. Can't vouch for any other MTA's but I'm sure they work
fine too.
I'd be sure to use a daemon-based approach to the scanning processes (spamd/sophie)
since, IMHO, this considerably increases performance.

Lars Hansson
Universal Joint Network Technologies, Inc
16/F Equitable Bank Tower, 8751 Paseo de Roxas, Makati City, Philippines
PGP Key http://www.unet.net.ph/~lars/pubkey.asc

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