On Tuesday 09 Apr 2002 6:05 am, Gus Oakfield wrote:
> SpamAssassin currently (v2.11) performs all tests on
> each message, even when it's clear early on that a
> message will be classified as spam.  Some tests (most
> notably the network tests) are quite slow.  A single
> message can take 20-30 seconds to process with the
> network tests enabled, as opposed to ~3 seconds
> without, and most of the time the network tests aren't
> necessary.
> Comments in the source make it clear that the decision
> to run all tests is deliberate, so that action can be
> taken on messages whose  score reach some other
> threshold, but I think there should be a way to
> specify a max_score threshold, past which no tests are
> performed.  If someone wants to take special action on
> messages that score 40 can set max_score to 40, while
> those who only want to test for spam can leave it low.
>  I think it would be reasonable to have it default to
> be the same as the spam score target, since there's no
> default special action above that.

Current CVS supports a -S option, which means "stop at threshold", which does 
what you want.

<:->get a SMart net</:->

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