SpamAssassin currently (v2.11) performs all tests on
each message, even when it's clear early on that a
message will be classified as spam.  Some tests (most
notably the network tests) are quite slow.  A single
message can take 20-30 seconds to process with the
network tests enabled, as opposed to ~3 seconds
without, and most of the time the network tests aren't

Comments in the source make it clear that the decision
to run all tests is deliberate, so that action can be
taken on messages whose  score reach some other
threshold, but I think there should be a way to
specify a max_score threshold, past which no tests are
performed.  If someone wants to take special action on
messages that score 40 can set max_score to 40, while
those who only want to test for spam can leave it low.
 I think it would be reasonable to have it default to
be the same as the spam score target, since there's no
default special action above that.

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