On Sun, Apr 07, 2002 at 01:29:35PM -0700, Craig Hughes wrote:

| -- Forwarded Message --
| From: "Paul Myers" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
| Subject: Re: Hi, I am the SpamAssassin maintainer
| Date: Sat, 6 Apr 2002 23:55:51 -0500
| I will also strongly urge people to leave any ISP or service 
| provider who moves email into separate folders. In practice, 
| this has always shown itself to end up in lots of mail being 
| lost because people simply don't think to check those separate 
| folders.

IMO that is PEBKAC.  I know that elm lacks the concept of multiple
inboxes, however mutt and balsa, among others, allow a user to specify
multiple folders as receiving new mail.  This makes it trivial to
notice new junk mail (whether really junk or not).  This is little
different from having multiple addresses (whether email or
snail-mail).  Anyways, I am my own ISP (at the mail level) :-).

| I wonder... Do you participate in many business discussion 
| lists? If so, would you take the time to check SpamAssassin's 
| tagging of some of the posts? Look especially for "spam signs" 
| in the signature files of many of the posters. You'll be quite 
| surprised, I think, at the number of high scoring false 
| positives that simple sig files will generate.

Joey Hess posted a nice sample .sig a while ago.  In just 4
less-than-80-character lines he managed a score of +25.42 with SA
2.01 on my system (he got -7 points for the subject too).  He said it
got around 30 points on his installation of SA.  If you're interested
in seeing it, let me know (and check your junk folder! :-)).  I just
tested it again; 42.9 points with SA 2.11.



A perverse man stirs up dissension,
and a gossip separates close friends.
        Proverbs 16:28

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