On Fri, 2002-04-05 at 15:25, Andrew Salamon wrote:
> I tried the simplistic approach of simply piping a Unix mbox file through 
> SpamAssassin but it only seems to have looked at the first email.

Yes, SpamAssassin expects that its input is a single mail message.

formail is designed to do what you want. It exists on any system that
has procmail installed. See man formail and look for the -s option.

Your script will contain a line similar to

 formail -s spamc < your_mbox_file > your_filtered_mbox_file

I put spamc there instead of spamassassin, because I think it would be a
lot faster to run a spamd daemon that spamc calls than to start up and
shut down spamassassin for every mail message in the batch.

This is off the top of my head, so check the man pages for any command
line options I forgot to mention.

 -- sidney

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