On Fri, Mar 29, 2002 at 04:06:54PM -0800, Craig Hughes wrote:
| Something like:
| POST /path/to/script HTTP/1.1\r\n
| Host: foo.bar.com\r\n
| scriptvar=value\r\n
| scriptvar=value\r\n
| \r\n

Ahh, part of the headers.  I read somewhere that it was sent to CGI
scripts on stdin, but maybe the webserver takes it out of the HTTP
headers and puts it on the script's stdin.  Hmm, maybe my other
problem is that I wasn't setting a Host: header when I tried a
programmatic technique.

| I think.  You can run netcat in listen mode:
| nc -l -p 9876
| Then from another terminal run wget/curl against it
| curl -d 'scriptvar=test' http://localhost:9876/fake/path/script.cgi
| and then look at what netcat dumps out.

Nice!  I've often wanted to dump the output of a network connection to
see what was going on.  I suppose tcpdump could do it, but I haven't
used it before and it sounds too low-level.  This is precisely what I
want sometimes.

I have a mostly working shell script that uses curl and python.  The
python is just to urlencode the contents of the message.  The curl is
to make the request and dump the results.  No programmatic error
checking is done (watch stdout with your own eyes or pipe it
somewhere).  In making this script, I learned that formmail.pl (at
least v1.6) truncates the values.  The workaround is to insert a
number of trailing spaces after the body of the message so that only
whitespace is lost.

Other than the cookie issue, it is ready for publication.


(Note: as of right now the recipient is an address at my site, not the
address for automatically blacklisting a site.  The proper addresses
are included in a comment.)

Use at your own risk :-).  (whatever that means in this context)



Reckless words pierce like a sword,
but the tongue of the wise brings healing.
        Proverbs 12:18

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